Monday, August 5, 2013

Family Photo Day - Tips and Tricks Continued

The Poses
While your photographer is sure to have suggestions and guidance on posing, knowing a couple of pose ideas beforehand that you absolutely LOVE can help you get just the picture you’re looking for.  Here are some of our favorite posing ideas…

The Clothes
Don’t know what to wear for pictures?  Check out these tips for endless outfit and color inspiration…
31.   Coordinate the style and color of your clothing with your location in mind.
32.  When choosing a color palette, consider what will go well with the colors of your home.  After all, most people plan to hang them up!
33.  Try to avoid clothing that is super seasonal.  Unless you’re planning on using them only for Christmas cards, red and green scarfs may not be the best choice.  Pick a style, color, and location that you don’t mind displaying in your home year-round.
34.  Don’t be afraid of color and pattern.  While you may not want everyone to wear a bold color or a busy pattern- a pop or two of color and design adds interest to the picture. 
35.  Layer!  Adding layers to your outfit not only adds texture to the picture, but also allows you to shed layers later on for different looks in different pictures.
36. For a photo that stands the test of time- opt for clothes that are classic rather than super trendy.
37.  While a little bit of pattern can be a good thing, it’s best to avoid clothing with large graphics and logos.
38.   Gone are the days of identical blue jeans and white shirts!  Instead of matching colors- coordinate them.   Stick to a color palette, but don’t feel like you have to match color values exactly.
39.  For color palette inspiration, try these online tools:  Design SeedsBig Huge LabsCSS Drive, and DeGrave.
40.  For more outfit inspiration, do a simple Image Search on Google for “What to Wear Photography” and you will get more outfits and color combinations than you know what to do with!

How to Look Good
And now the part we’ve all been waiting for- how to look good in front of the camera.  Who doesn’t want that?!
41.  For a slimmer appearing waistline, we angling your body towards the camera instead of facing it square on.
42. If you put weight on your back leg, you’ll feel more comfortables and look natural instead of awkward.
43.  To look thinner, leave space between your arms and your body to show your waistline.
44.  Remember to push your shoulders back and don’t slouch.  (After 10 shots we usually forget to sit or stand straight)
45.  Avoid looking down to prevent a double chin
46.  Ask your photographer to shoot straight on or from above.  They are much more flattering angles than from below.
47.  To avoid the totem pole look, bend whatever can bend.
48.  Don’t leave your arms hanging straight down. Try  touching the person next to you or resting your hand on a nearby object.
49.  Try look places other than directly at the camera for a more natural look.  Maybe look off to the side or past the photographer into the distance.
50.  Schedule your shoot at the “golden hour” near sunrise and sunset.
51.  If you’re worried about wrinkles, shoot with the light in front of you. (Side lightening emphasizes wrinkles)
52.  We know  you can minimize a big nose by tilting your head just slightly upward.
53.  Self-conscious of big ears? We have a solution for that too!  Position yourself at an angle so only one ear is showing.
54.  To avoid shine, use LOTS of powder on your face and neck.
55.  For small eyes, false eye lashes can be a life saver! 
56.  Check your makeup with a camera, not a mirror.  Remember, you need to apply more than usual for it to show in pictures!
Getting the Kiddos to Cooperate
This can be one of the most stressful parts of family pictures!  But with a little planning and these quick tips- you’ll be prepared…
57.  When you first tell them about your family picture plans- act excited like it’s going to be SO much fun!  Often attitude is contagious.
58.  Involve the kids in the process from the beginning!  If they get to help pick what they’re going to wear and what props they can bring, they’ll feel included and be more likely to cooperate.
59.  Allow plenty of time!  It’s hard to be patient and positive when you’re rushed.
60.  Bring along an “entertainer” to sand behind or beside the photographer to get the baby or little ones to look and smile.
61. We recommend planning the shoot for when your kids are the happiest, not just the time that is the most convenient.   Work your appointment around the kids’ routines.
62.  Give the kids breaks in between shots to stretch, run, and play.
63.  Even better- let them play during the pictures!  You’ll get great candid shots and capture your little ones the way they really are.
64.  Play peek-a-boo, tickle, and throw the baby into the air for real, genuine smiles.
65.  Bring water and snacks to avoid mid-shoot meltdowns.
66.  Use fun props like suckers, toys, and bubbles to keep them happy.
67.  Promise them a reward when the shoot is over. We are so not above bribing. ;)
68.  We suggested using a code word (like “ice cream”) to remind them of the reward throughout the shoot.  Genius!
Getting Your Hubby On Board
Sometimes the kids aren’t the only ones that drag their heels for family pictures.  Here are some helpful hint to get your man on board…
69.  Plan ahead so that he knows it’s coming and has time to mentally prepare for it.  No one likes being surprised with something they don’t love.
70.  Budget for it to avoid the money stress.
71.  Let him know WHY it’s important to you.  If he knows it’s about preserving memories for you, and not just for a cute Christmas card, he’s more likely to value it too.
72.  Give him a say in it!  Most people don’t like to be told what to wear and how to sit and stand and when to do it.  So ask for his opinion and value it.  (Maybe you could even make a little shopping date and pick out new outfits together.)
73.  Compromise!  Find out what is most important to each of you and make it happen.
74.  If he absolutely hates pictures, look together to find poses that he’s okay with.  Usually pictures where the kids are the focus are the best.
75.  Just like the kids- bribe!  Oops, I mean- reward!  If he’s willing to do this just for you, then let him know you appreciate it.
Ordering Pictures
So you followed all of these wonderful tips and had a fabulous shoot.  Now what?
76.  Don’t forget to order prints!  So many people just get the CD- and then it ends up lost in a drawer when they could have a gorgeous print on the living room wall instead.  Remember that sometimes less is more.
77.  Pictures can get pricey.  Remember- you’re not just buying pictures, you’re preserving memories.
78.  Plan ahead and consider how and where you’re going to be displaying your pictures in your home.  It makes ordering so much easier.
79.  If you plan on making a collage or wall gallery out of your pictures, be sure to ask your photographer for their input.  They have lots of ideas about which pictures would look well grouped together and can often help you plan it all out.

So there you have it! Our best tips, tricks and the ultimate guide to family photo day! We hope to hear from you soon to book your next family photo shoot!

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